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站在歷史新起點上的中國外交演講時間:2013年10月28日——楊潔篪在21世紀理事會北京會議上的演講稿大家上午好。21世紀理事會是國際著名智庫,各位理事都是國際知名人士。首先,我對21世紀理事會北京會議的召開表示熱烈祝賀,對各位貴賓的到來表示熱烈歡迎。Good morning. The 21st Century Council is a world renowned think tank whose members are of international prominence. At the outset, I wish to extend warm congratulations on the convocation of this conference in Beijing and a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests.這次會議的主題是“讀懂中國”,這不僅體現了21世紀理事會對中國的關注,也在一定程度上反映出國際社會希望更深入地瞭解中國。這一主題具有重要的現實意義,有助於增進中外之間的相互理解與信任。中方對此次會議十分重視。今天下午,習近平主席將會見與會代表。昨天,李克強總理在會議開幕式上致辭。我想借此機會,就中國的外交政策談幾點看法,供各位參考。The theme of this conference, “Understanding China”, reflects not only the Council’s keen interest in China, but also, to some extent, the desire of the international community to have a deeper understanding of China. It is highly relevant and will contribute to the mutual understanding and trust between China and the rest of the world. The Chinese side places high importance on this conference. This afternoon, President Xi Jinping will meet with the representatives of conference participants. Yesterday, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. Now let me take this opportunity to share with you my views on China’s foreign policy.要“讀懂中國”,需要把中國放在世界發展的大背景下觀察。當今世界正在發生深刻複雜的變化,呈現出一些不同於以往的新特點、新動向、新趨勢,其中以下三個方面最爲突出:In order to understand China, one needs to view China in the larger context of the development of the world. The world is undergoing profound and complex changes with new features, developments and trends that are quite different from past experience. I wish to touch upon three most salient features.當今世界,是一個發展日新月異的世界。一大批新興市場國家和發展中國家走上發展的快車道,全球30多億人正在同步推進工業化並分享現代化成果,有力推動人類進步事業向更高層次邁進。科學技術突飛猛進,世界正處在新一輪科技革命的前夜,新的增長點正在孕育。儘管國際金融危機的深層次影響還在繼續顯現,但世界大發展的態勢沒有停滯、更不會逆轉。各國普遍將謀發展置於各自內外政策的重要位置,如何實現更好發展日益成爲牽動國際關係的重要因素。Today’s world is one of rapid development. Many emerging markets and developing countries have embarked on the fast track of development. More than three billion people across the world are pursuing industrialization simultaneously and sharing the benefits of modernization, effectively elevating the cause of human progress to a higher level. With rapid advancement in science and technology, the world is on the eve of a new round of scientific and technological revolution with new growth areas being created. Despite the lingering profound impacts of the international financial crisis, the world has not stopped pursuing development, still less will this course be reversed. It has become a common practice for countries to place development high on their domestic and foreign policy agenda. To realize development of higher quality has become an increasingly important factor in international relations.當今世界,是一個變革潮流更爲強勁的世界。國際力量對比更趨均衡,國際體系醞釀深刻變革,新興市場和發展中國家在國際事務中的代表性和話語權得到提升,二十國集團等全球治理機制逐步成型並不斷完善。事實表明,世界上沒有任何一種發展模式可以放之四海而皆準。我們應當與時俱進,積極探索並不斷完善符合自身國情的發展道路,循序漸進推動國際體系調整變革。Today’s world is one of reform with growing momentum. The international balance of power is moving towards greater equilibrium. Deep changes are brewing in the international system. The representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries in international affairs have been raised. Mechanisms of global governance such as the G20 have gradually taken shape and are steadily improving. What has happened shows that there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” development model in the world. We must keep abreast of the times, actively explore and improve development paths suited to our respective national conditions and pursue incremental progress in adjusting and reforming the international system.當今世界,是一個合作不斷深入的世界。隨着經濟全球化的進一步發展,各國相互依存達到前所未有的廣度和深度,彼此利益交融、興衰相伴、安危與共。面對層出不窮的經濟金融問題、此起彼伏的國際地區熱點和日益增多的全球性挑戰,沒有哪個國家可以獨善其身,攜手合作、同舟共濟成爲各國必然選擇。以合作求和平、以合作促發展、以合作謀安全越來越成爲國際關係的主流和大勢。Today’s world is one of deepening cooperation. As economic globalization gathers pace, interdependence among countries has reached unprecedented levels in both breadth and depth. With our interests so intertwined, we rise and fall together. And there is either security for all or security for none. Facing a host of economic and financial issues, various international and regional hotspots and a growing number of global challenges, no country can stay unscathed. Pulling together like passengers in the same boat has become the one and only option for all countries. To achieve peace, development and security through cooperation is becoming a central theme and major trend of international relations.當今世界處於格局演變的重要階段,當代中國處於民族復興的關鍵時期。中國的前途命運同世界的前途命運緊密相連。在以習近平同志爲總書記的黨中央領導下,中國對未來發展作出了戰略部署,明確了“兩個一百年”的奮鬥目標,即到2020年中國共產黨成立100年時,實現國內生產總值和城鄉居民人均收入比2010年翻一番,全面建成小康社會;到本世紀中葉中華人民共和國成立100年時,建成富強民主文明和諧的社會主義現代化國家,實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢。現在比歷史上任何時候都更接近實現我們的奮鬥目標,我們有信心、有條件、有能力實現既定的目標。同時,我們也清醒地認識到,中國改革已經進入攻堅期和深水區,經濟社會發展進入新的階段,前進道路上仍然面臨不少困難和挑戰,還需要付出長期不懈的努力。The world structure is in an important period of evolution while China stands at a critical juncture of national renewal. China’s future and destiny are closely connected with those of the world. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the General Secretary, China has made strategic arrangements for its future development and set out the two centenary goals, namely, to double 2010 GDP and per capita income for urban and rural residents and complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects when the CPC celebrates its centenary in 2020, and turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious and realize the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation when the People’s Republic of China marks its centennial in the middle of this century. Never before have we been this close to fulfilling our goals. We are confident and well positioned to achieve the set goals. At the same time, we are also soberly aware that China’s reform has reached the crucial stage and waded into the deep water zone. In this new phase of economic and social development, we still have many difficulties and challenges to overcome and will have to make unremitting efforts for many years to come.國際國內形勢的發展變化,對中國外交提出了新的更高要求,中國外交正站在新的歷史起點上。一年來,習近平主席等中國領導人成功開展一系列重大外交行動,實現外交良好開局,對外發出了中國外交繼往開來、勇於擔當的明確信息。中國將堅定不移走和平發展道路,堅定不移奉行獨立自主的和平外交政策,努力開創同各國合作共贏的新局面。Developments and changes at home and abroad have put forward new, higher requirements for China’s diplomacy which now stands at a new historical starting point. Over the past year, President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders have made a good beginning on the diplomatic front through a series of successful major diplomatic initiatives. They have sent out a clear message that China, as a nation committed to fulfilling its responsibility, is building on past achievements and opening up new prospects in its diplomatic work. China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, firmly uphold the independent foreign policy of peace, and strive for new progress in win-win cooperation with other countries.我們將統籌自身利益與各國共同利益,同世界各國建設更爲緊密的利益共同體。我們將把本國人民的利益同世界各國人民的共同利益結合起來,在實現本國利益的同時,充分照顧他國正當關切和合法權益,絕不做損人利己、以鄰爲壑的事情。積極擴大同各方利益的匯合點,同各國各地區建立並發展不同領域不同層次的利益共同體,推動實現人類共同利益,共享人類文明進步成果。政治上,尊重各國自主選擇的社會制度和發展道路,在平等基礎上加強對話交流,深化戰略互信。經濟上,實行更加積極主動的開放戰略,更好地“引進來”、“走出去”,把共同利益的蛋糕做大。安全上,倡導全面安全、共同安全、合作安全理念,推動建立平等透明、開放包容的地區和國際安全合作架構。文化上,引導不同文明取長補短、包容互鑑,爲人類文明大發展、大繁榮注入新活力。We will integrate our interests with the common interests of other countries and forge a more closely connected community of shared interests. We will combine Chinese people’s interests with the common interests of people of other countries, fully accommodate legitimate concerns and lawful rights and interests of other countries while upholding our own interests, and never pursue our own interests at the expense of those of others. We will actively expand converging interests with others, establish and develop communities of common interests with various countries and regions in different areas and at different levels, pursue common interests of the humanity, and share the fruits of progress in human civilization. In the political field, it is important to respect all countries’ independent choices of social system and development path, enhance dialogue and exchanges on the basis of equality, and deepen strategic mutual trust. In the economic field, we will be more active in carrying out the opening-up strategy, strive for better results in “bringing in” and “going global” activities, and make the cake of common interests bigger. In the security field, it is necessary to champion the concept of comprehensive, common and cooperative security and promote the building of regional and international security cooperation architecture featuring equality, transparency, openness and inclusiveness. In the cultural field, there is a need to encourage different civilizations to draw on each other’s strengths in the spirit of inclusiveness and inject fresh vitality to great development and prosperity of human civilization.我們將統籌與大國、周邊及發展中國家關係,譜寫與各國友好合作的新篇章。大國關係攸關世界和平和人類福祉。中方願與各大國一道,推動相互關係長期穩定健康發展。今年6月,習近平主席與美國總統奧巴馬在加州安納伯格莊園舉行會晤,就構建中美新型大國關係達成重要共識,爲兩國關係發展指明瞭方向。中美新型大國關係,核心就是不衝突不對抗、相互尊重、合作共贏。中方願與美方相向而行,不斷充實中美新型大國關係的內涵,造福中美兩國人民和世界各國人民。我們將大力提升與俄羅斯的全面戰略協作夥伴關係水平,全面深化兩國各領域務實合作,維護國際戰略穩定。進一步挖掘和釋放中歐合作潛力,拓展雙方利益契合點與合作增長點,推動中歐全面戰略伙伴關係實現新發展。積極發展與發展中大國及地區大國的友好合作關係,共同推動構建更加公正、合理的國際新秩序。We will take into overall consideration the growth of relations with major countries, neighbors and developing countries and write a new chapter of friendship and cooperation with other countries. Major-country relations bear on world peace and wellbeing of the mankind. China will work with other major countries to ensure that its relations with them will enjoy long-term, steady and sound growth. Last June, President Xi Jinping and US President Obama met in the Annenberg Estate, California and reached important agreement on the building of a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States, thus charting the course for the development of bilateral relations. The centerpiece of the new model is non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. China will work with the United States to constantly enrich the content of the new model to the benefit of people in the two countries and the world. We will vigorously upgrade the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination with Russia, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, and maintain international strategic stability. We will further tap cooperation potential with the EU, expand shared interests and growth areas of cooperation, and make fresh progress in China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. We will actively develop friendly relations and cooperation with major developing countries and major regional countries and jointly work for a new international order that is more just and equitable.鄰居好,無價寶。中國越發展,就越體會到和平穩定的周邊環境之可貴。我們始終把周邊作爲外交優先方向。前些天,我們專門召開周邊外交工作座談會,習近平總書記在會上發表重要講話,強調要堅持與鄰爲善、以鄰爲伴,堅持睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰,突出體現親、誠、惠、容的理念,積極營造更加和平穩定、發展繁榮的周邊環境,推動我國發展更多惠及周邊國家,實現共同發展。習總書記重要講話是我國外交理論和實踐創新的重要體現,不僅對於我國周邊外交,而且對我國全部外交工作都具有深遠指導意義。A good neighbor is an invaluable asset. The more China develops, the more it appreciates the value of a peaceful and stable neighborhood. China’s neighborhood area has always been a priority on its diplomatic agenda. As a matter of fact, we just had a conference on China’s neighborhood diplomacy a few days ago, during which General Secretary Xi Jinping made important remarks. He underlined China’s commitment to forging friendship and partnership with its neighbors and fostering an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood. He also highlighted the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness that guides China’s efforts to build a neighborhood of greater peace, stability, development and prosperity and China’s desire to bring more benefits to its neighbors and contribute to common development through its own development. These remarks made by General Secretary Xi are an important manifestation of China’s innovation in diplomatic theory and practice. They have far-reaching importance in guiding not only China’s neighborhood diplomacy but also its overall diplomacy.發展中國家是中國外交的基石。中國同廣大發展中國家命運相連、訴求相近、理念相通,我們始終不會忘記作爲發展中國家這個“本”,將永遠做發展中國家的可靠朋友和真誠夥伴。正確處理“義”和“利”的關係是中華民族傳承至今的道德準則。在與發展中國家的交往合作中,我們將堅持道義爲先、義利並舉,向發展中國家提供力所能及的幫助,真心實意幫助發展中國家加快發展。Developing countries are the foundation of the conduct of China’s diplomacy. China shares a common destiny as well as the same aspiration and vision with other developing countries. China will never forget its identity as a developing country and will always remain a reliable friend and true partner of other developing countries. A balanced approach to justice and interests is a part of the traditional code of ethics of the Chinese nation that we still observe today. In our engagement and cooperation with other developing countries, we will place justice above everything else and pursue our interests on that basis. We will do what we can to help other developing countries and give them sincere assistance to help them achieve faster development.我們將統籌能力、義務與責任,在力所能及的範圍內努力爲世界的和平與發展事業多作貢獻。以更加積極的姿態參與國際事務、發揮負責任大國作用,是新形勢下中國外交與時俱進的重要方面。我們將旗幟鮮明地維護國際公平正義,反對任何形式的霸權主義和強權政治,推進國際關係民主化。爲解決國際和地區熱點問題發揮建設性作用,推動建立更加平等均衡的全球發展夥伴關係,積極參與應對全球性挑戰的國際合作,爲改革和完善國際治理體系貢獻更多中國力量、中國智慧。同時也應看到,中國仍是世界上最大的發展中國家。我們將根據自身發展階段和實際條件,量力而行、盡力而爲,爲推動人類進步發揮更大作用。We will, in light of our ability, obligation and responsibility, make more contribution to world peace and development. To get more actively engaged in international affairs and play the role of a major responsible country is an important dimension of China’s diplomacy in keeping with the changing times. We will unequivocally uphold international fairness and justice, oppose hegemony and power politics in all forms, and promote democracy in international relations. We will play a constructive part in seeking solutions to international and regional hotspot issues, work to build a more equitable and balanced global partnership for development, actively participate in international cooperation to meet global challenges, and contribute more of China’s strength and vision to the reform and improvement of the international governance regime. On the other hand, we should see that China is still the largest developing country in the world. We will act as permitted by China’s current stage of development and actual conditions and strive to play a greater role in promoting human progress.我們將統籌自身奮鬥目標與各國人民的共同追求,共同創造人類更加美好的未來。中國夢是中國人民的奮鬥目標,也事關世界和平與發展。中國夢是和平夢、發展夢、共贏夢。這一夢想的實現既要靠中國人民自身努力奮鬥,也離不開國際社會的理解、支持與合作。我們將在實現中國夢的歷史進程中,不斷拓寬同各國合作的廣度和深度,爲各國人民過上更加美好的生活創造更多機遇、開闢更大空間,使中國夢既造福中國,也造福世界。We will pursue our own goal as part of the common pursuit of people around the world for a brighter future of mankind. The Chinese dream is not only a goal that the Chinese people are working hard to achieve; it is also important for peace and development of the world. The Chinese dream is a dream about peace, development and win-win progress. To realize this dream requires both the hard work of the Chinese people and the understanding, support and cooperation of the international community. In this historic process of realizing the Chinese dream, we will steadily deepen and expand cooperation with other countries to create more opportunities and bigger space for people of other countries to pursue a better life. Thus the Chinese dream will benefit not only China but also the world at large.女士們,先生們:Ladies and Gentlemen百聞不如一見。希望在座各位今後有機會多來中國參觀、訪問、交流,繼續關注中國的進步、支持中國的發展。相信通過我們之間頻繁的接觸交流,大家不僅能夠“讀懂”中國,而且也會把一個客觀真實的中國介紹給世界,爲促進中國與世界的相互瞭解、增進中國人民與各國人民的友好合作發揮積極作用,作出更大貢獻。Seeing once is better than hearing one hundred times from others. I hope you will come to China more for visits and exchanges and continue to follow China’s progress and support its development. I believe that our close contact and exchanges will enable you to better appreciate China and present a true China to the world in an objective way. In doing so, you can play an active role and make greater contribution to enhancing mutual understanding between China and the world and the friendship and cooperation between the Chinese people and the people of other countries.謝謝大家!Thank you.